The main purpose of a marital agreement is to choose a matrimonial regime different from the one suggested by law, which is the legal regime of participation in acquired property. Very often, the marriage contract aims to adopt the regime of separation of property. But other conventions can be adopted, as can be seen in […]
BUY, OWN, PASS ON and specialities for Swiss and frontaliers What circumstances can bring a Swiss national to consult a French notary? French legal and tax rules are likely to interest a growing number of Swiss people. Indeed, cross-border relations have developed exponentially: for example, what happens in the event of a marriage between a French […]
France applies a tax on real estate profit, which depends on the difference between the purchase value and the resale value (real estate profit). An exemption exists when the sale concerns the main residence but let us leave this assumption aside since a Swiss resident has, by definition, his main residence in Switzerland, and not […]
The capacity of judgement determines if an individual can actively or not participate in legal life. The capacity of judgement is a complex concept that lies at the intersection of many areas such as law, ethics, medicine, psychology, philosophy, sociology and neurosciences. What means acting reasonably? Which states really deprive us of judgement? To extend […]